And why does it matter?
So what happened?
On Feb. 8, 2023, what began as a routine Wednesday morning Chapel service with the student body turned into a multi week Outpouring that some have described as a revival. Zach Meerkreebs, a friend of Asbury, volunteer goalie coach, and guest speaker, spoke on Romans 12:9-21 and invited students to stay to experience God’s love and be filled with the Spirit. Following this service, the 16 days began. Led by students, the services attracted college students from hundreds of other colleges and universities, beginning as soon as Wednesday evening.
Then, news of the continuous services spread around the world, and attracted people to Wilmore, KY from as far away as Russia and Japan. Media outlets arrived en masse to cover the spiritual awakening among young people. Countless reports of life change, salvation, and re-dedications to Christ were some of the amazing results of the Outpouring events. Asbury staff, faculty, students and volunteers worked tirelessly to welcome the visitors to campus, with orderly lines to get into Hughes extending a half mile long around campus.
Was it Revival?
Leaders were often asked if they thought it was a revival. Dr. Kevin Brown, president of Asbury University, shared a beautiful illustration that expressed the heart and posture of leadership from John 9. In John 9:1-25, a blind man is healed by Jesus and the Pharisees began to investigate. As questions were asked and people involved were investigated, like the man’s parents, the story peaks in verse 25 when the man who had been healed says…
“I know nothing about that one way or the other. But I know one thing for sure: I was blind . . . I now see.” (John 9:25,theMSG)
So, was this revival? Zach is like Dr. Brown. We don’t know and we will let history and folks name it what they want. All we know is that we experience an accelerated and intensified movement of God through the outpouring of His love and presence. We are grateful and praying for more.
What now? Why does it matter?
Asbury University and the leaders involved in stewarding these powerful 16 days have been praying and encouraging one another and students as they travel to testify and teach along with write and process. We have had the joy to travel to many nations to preach, share, encourage, and pray and desire to continue to support what God has catalyzed through the Asbury Outpouring.
We believe this matters primarily with the understanding of stewardship. God gifted a community with a unique outpouring of His presence, peace, and power and it has “enticed” the global church to contend in prayer, pursue radical humility, and linger with expectation. His mission to reconcile all of creation back to Himself and His mission has moments of accelerated impact and renewal through moments like this. Simply we are sober minded, humbled, and desire to be good stewards.
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